Surprising Secret: 6 Black Amlok Dry Fruit Benefits YOU Must Know (Date Plum)

amlok called or black persimmons, are named for the valley of Amluk Dara (which means “Valley of the Persimmons”). It is a small, cherry-shaped fruit that is grown from seed at an altitude of 600 – 800 meters above sea level. This is the fruit we call black amlook fruit. The malook fruit is very valuable. And it is a winter dry fruit and it is very hot. In winter, people eat it very fondly. Humlog fruit is similar to Japanese fruit, many people call these fruits the same, but they are not the same fruit, they are two different fruits. It is mostly found in the city of Murree, Sawat in Pakistan. amlok rod locks Its food has many benefits.

Amlok starts green, then it turns yellow which means the unripe fruit turns yellow and should not be eaten at this stage. And finally, it turns purplish black which is edible. It is then picked from lush gardens and then dried in the sun under proper hygiene. So as to retain its taste and nutritional value. The amlok is about 2 cm in diameter and contains about 5-6 seeds.

humlok fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and many other vitamins.

6 Black Amlok Dry Fruit Benefits

What vitamins are found in amlok? Today I will tell you about the benefits and harms of amlok fruit benefits:

1. Constipation

It is very useful for people who have constipation, it eliminates chronic constipation. Because it contains a lot of fiber. Consuming more malok cleans the bowels and cleanses the stomach. People who are often constipated should use more malok in their diet.

Because constipation is the root of thousands of diseases.

2. Malook Fruit For Liver

People who have damaged or enlarged livers should include Amlok in their diet, their liver health will improve. Amlok is very useful for cleansing the liver. Those who have burning or yellow urine and urinary tract infections. And those who have blood in their urine should consume more of this fruit, it will clear the color of urine. Eating Amlok will reduce the inflammation that occurs inside the urinary tract.

3. Suffering From Mental Stress

Who is suffering from mental stress and suffering from various types of problems? Mental stress remains depression, if Amlok is included in his diet, his depression will be cured. And the mood gets better.

4. Malook impotence For Male

A man who is sexually weak and whose germ count is very low should eat this fruit as much as possible. By eating Amlok, the strength of the male body will increase. This fruit is beneficial for women, mothers who have very little milk can also use it.

5. Amlok Fruit For Skin

People who have bad skin. Especially women who are sensitive about their skin. For those who have nail acne marks on their face, if they start using Amlok in their diet, their face will gradually clear. The skin will become shiny and the blood will be purified.

6. Amlok Fruit in Pregnancy

Amlok dry fruit benefits both the mother and the growing baby. The minerals it contains, such as phosphorous and calcium, aid in the development of the unborn baby’s bones. Magnesium in the Amlok fruit lowers blood pressure in pregnant women and reduces the risk of kidney stones.Also Read Article Dragon Fruit

Amlok Picture Gallery

AMLOK – Cherry-Shaped Fruit Amlok Dry Fruit Amlok on Tree – Cherry-Shaped Fruit – Raw Fruit

hamlok Amlok Dry Fruit Black Amlok pic – Bismillah – Ready to eat

Amlok Dry Fruit

Amlok Dry Fruit


What is Kashmiri Amlok?

It is native to Kashmir and is found in the Himalayas.

What is Amlok dry fruit?

YES! Amlok IS Dry Fruit

What is Amlok dry fruit called in English? – املوک in english – malook fruit in english

date plum or dried diospyros lotus (caucasian persimmon)

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